Almost Heaven

Barbara Sanders
2 min readOct 9, 2021

Rolling off the couch

Between cushion and coffee table

My parents’ blue toned Oriental rug

Underneath me

Wrapped in a lush blanket

I stay there, curled up

Head down, so very


Like a bunny (or a fetus)

Wrapped up in fur inside

A den of dirt and bugs

Mycelial network and roots

Earthworms and such

I lay there quietly, silently

At peace for a long time

Darkness inside the blanket

Cuddled up in softness

(or amniotic fluids)

Perfectly content

Like a bunny, I revel

In the light, sun and

Clover, grasses and meadows

Urban yards and drainage pipe

Ditches under driveways

Eating my way through the

Day, lunging only when startled

Surprised or having the premonition

Of being attacked by some

Wild animal, or domestic dog

A loud disturbing sound

Like a lawnmower, leaf blower

Or, a child squealing

Most importantly though

At night, I return to my burrowed

Den, dark and safe

Soft and small fitting


After each night of being

Held by the spirits in my den

(Or in my mother’s womb)

I awake to greet the day

With joy and excitement

Of the coming light

The bright sun and dark rain

The gentle winds and snow

(the hailstorms, I can do without)

And my friends, the birds

Chipmunks, snakes, other

Bunnies and squirrels

But not the cats

Or hawks who want to eat me

Almost heaven



Barbara Sanders

Barbara loves to adventure into the unknown and the known, into the Great Mystery, and the Sacred: