Good Grief

Barbara Sanders
3 min readMar 15, 2024


Not just about the starving little children and babies

Not just about the children who get bullied or killed

Just because

My grief is not just about losing family members

And loved ones to another state of being or venue

Not just about early childhood and whatever neglect

Or traumas this little body and heart experienced


Grief is much more than that

It socks me in the gut

Knocks me down to my knees

To grovel on the ground

To cry and scream

To feel powerless and

Unable to change

Some of what I would like to


That last part, that’s the real grief

That I don’t have control over

My body

My time

My energy

My loved ones

The world, its people

Its animals and other beings

Who suffer so much

Not much control at all

That’s just true about being human


And though, that doesn’t mean

I will stop trying to correct

Some of the hurtful things I do

Or say, much less try to influence what

Other people do or say that can

Crucify others

That can injure and damage others

No one seems to be able

To change all that

I can leap into the spiritual realm

And try to stay there for as long

As possible, knowing

Feeling that we are intimately

Connected to the Divine

Merging in bliss

Yes, I can go there


But, as a human, I

Don’t stay there

From that bright white delicious place

I sometimes plummet back to

Earth again and feel better for

Awhile, and begin anew with good intentions and

A far better mood about life and love

Only to find myself later on cascading once

Again (maybe less often though)

To the tyrannies of technology

To the oppression I see and feel all around me

And I sometimes slip into the most judgmental parts

Of myself, or rather

Hell, I call it

“Arise,” I hear

“Rise up again

Keep connected to humans

To other beings

And to the Divine

See if you can bring more

Joy, more bliss, more love

To all the world

To all of Mother Earth (or

To only a small bit of space) and

Yes, to the galaxies and to the eternal

And infinite cosmos herself”

Inside those words I find my purpose

Why I came here in the first place

To contribute, to gather and

Collaborate with others

To spread goodness, compassion and

Love all around

Everywhere I go

As a gardener

A midwife

A mother

A friend

Part of a community

A participant in all that is

Sharing seeds of what I know

And who I am

What I have learned about

How we can all live with

Better health and well-being

More often


Not just for the faint of heart

Good Grief

Another side of Love

Creating a whole




Barbara Sanders

Barbara loves to adventure into the unknown and the known, into the Great Mystery, and the Sacred: